New Kinds of Dating Trends

There are so many different dating trends that it’s hard to keep up with them all. Some people don’t like trends and just want a commitment from someone. It is important to know if these trends are happening to you or if you are doing them.

Dry Dating

This is something that means you want to sleep with someone because you want to have sex—not because you got brave or because you got drunk, but because you just want to meet someone and have sex.

Dry dating means that you can get to know someone, be yourself, and connect with someone who just wants to have sex as well. Once you are confident in what you want, you can talk to the person and see if they are interested in it as well.

This is a challenge, and you might try to date someone and avoid having to pay for things. Find something you can do that lets you get to know the person and then learn who they are and what they are about before you ask for sex.

Prior Dating

Instead of committing to someone, you put yourself as a priority. You prioritize your dating so that it fits your needs. You look at the relationships that you have and make sure that you are able to take off the pressure of being committed to someone.

You don’t go out with people who aren’t willing to give you what you want, and you take your own time to decide what kind of dating experiences you want to have. If you get lucky and find a successful relationship, fine, but if you don’t, you will try again.

Viewpoint Dating

This is when you date someone who has the same viewpoints that you have. You find people who share the same ideas, political stances, and thoughts. Instead of trying to come up with something you have in common, you have everything in common with this person.

You are partners in what you believe in, and you don’t slow down on this. You make sure that everything aligns with your ideas and thoughts perfectly so that you can continue to date who you want without putting much effort into it.

When it comes to touchy issues, make sure that you aren’t on a different scale. Alternatively, you can leave these issues out of your conversations and focus on talking about things you know you agree on.

Armchair Dating

This is when you date someone as long as they agree to go to therapy with you. You take them right away to a counselor or therapist to find out if you have things in common or if there are things that won’t work out well for you.

Instead of waiting for them to show you red flags, you identify potential red flags immediately so you can label them for what they are. If you find they have too many red flags for you, you decide to stop talking to them, block them if necessary, and move on.

Final Thoughts

There are many dating trends, and you know that there are plenty of fish in the sea. Find out which people you want to date. Do you want to date someone close or someone far away? Do you want to date someone with red flags or someone willing to get therapy?

Find someone you can connect with on the level of the kind of dating you want to do. You have the power to connect with anyone around the world and find someone who has exactly what you want and need in the new dating world.

Relationship Saga

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